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unheard voices

the solution: part ii

homeward 2020


Alongside Volunteers of America, the Homeward 2020 aims at housing the homeless community. Its mission statement follows: "Homeward 2020 is a collaborative, strategic think-tank guiding implementation of Fort Collins’ 10-Year Plan to Make Homelessness Rare, Short-Lived and Non-Recurring by setting priorities, developing alignment and action plans, and suggesting policy." Back in 2017, Homeward Alliance partnered with Homeward 2020 to launch Housing First Initiative (HFI).  Today, at least 140 HFI participants escaped homelessness and ninety-percent remained housed after six months. Homeward 2020 provides statistical data on the homeless community in Fort Collins and offers an in-depth plan on tackling the issue. There is hope for this community. 

SOURCE: Homeward 2020

The Rescue Mission

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Fort Collins is proactive in sheltering its homeless population. Of the two main places individuals can temporarily stay at is The Rescue Mission. Located on Jefferson Street, the Mission provides clean beds and meals for those seeking shelter. In addition to meeting these basic needs, the Mission offers different programs that encourage and help individuals get back on track with their lives. The one characteristic that separates this shelter from the rest is its absence of drug testing. Often referred to as a "damp" shelter, the Mission permits entry to those who suffer from drug and alcohol addition. According to Danielle, it's vital to keep the homeless off the streets, especially during this time of year. By enacting a non-testing policy, it prevents individuals from perpetuating harmful behavior they would otherwise engage in on the street. 

SOURCE: Coloradoan


Center for Hope


After hearing Jim's story about his experience at the Murphy Center, I decide to reach out to Jackie Marks, the center's Director of Guest Services. I ask her via email to describe the individuals who visit Murphy, wondering if her answers will match Jim's. Her response pleasantly surprises me. She explains to me how individuals who visit the center want to change; how they want to find their strength to live under better circumstances.

"They are people who are more than their housing situation, they are not homeless people they are people experiencing homelessness," replies Jackie.


This shelter predominantly sees families and individuals who don't suffer from a drug or alcohol addiction. the Mission, the Murphy Center is considered a "dry" shelter, where overnighters are breathalyzed to ensure they are clean and free of substance abuse. Individuals staying here can use the array of services offered, such as Blood Pressure screenings and Housing search assistance. To read the entire list of services, click here.

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