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unheard voices



As I kickstarted this project, my immediate thought is to go into Old Town and see if I can find any individuals to interview. Sure enough, there is. As I was making my way past the recently built Next Door restaurant, I peer over to my left only to discover a man and his dog, sitting on a bright red blanket. He has an inviting look on his face, making him easily approachable. Owning a dog with a severe case of the puppy eyes only makes it more enticing. I decide to crouch down next to him and ask for his name. This is Shadow. 

"I enjoy life everyday,"  Shadow exclaims.


These were the first words out of his mouth following his name. After talking to him for a few moments, I begin to understand that he is a man with very few words. Despite that, he seems content, given the soft smile that never leaves his face. 


 Back in 2009, Shadow lost his job as an ironworker and has been looking for work ever since. He currently lives in his broken down RV and resides there in the evening. Although it isn't working, he explains that it is the preferred option over other shelters such as the Rescue Mission. 


His life is accompanied by this sweet girl named Sensimelia. She is timid and loving, but grows alert when she senses danger nearby. This is soon apparent after a couple of dogs stroll past us. Though she is small, she is fierce. Shadow says he hasn't a problem taking care of her over the years. 


On warm days, Shadow and Sensi set up camp in Old Town to ask for donations; however, his style is quite different. Instead of holding a sign that asks for help, he uses one that reads, "Thanks for Being You," as pictured above.

"I like to people watch," Shadow says. "I always surprise people when they find out I don't drink or do meth."

Shadow dropped out of school in the ninth grade and received his GED. Today, he lives his lifestyle partially by choice. When I ask him what his dream job looks like, his response was shockingly simple. 

"Working at GrubHub would be pretty cool."

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